2024.06.04 (화)

  • 맑음동두천 18.7℃
  • 맑음강릉 15.6℃
  • 맑음서울 22.1℃
  • 맑음대전 20.5℃
  • 구름조금대구 17.7℃
  • 맑음울산 16.5℃
  • 구름조금광주 19.8℃
  • 맑음부산 17.1℃
  • 맑음고창 18.2℃
  • 맑음제주 19.6℃
  • 맑음강화 20.9℃
  • 구름조금보은 19.6℃
  • 맑음금산 18.2℃
  • 구름조금강진군 18.5℃
  • 구름조금경주시 16.9℃
  • 맑음거제 17.5℃
기상청 제공

Ways How Drones Will Change the World


Many years ago, people wouldn’t have imagined an unmanned machine delivering chicken to their house. This device is what we call ‘drone’. They are used in many areas; agricultural, delivery, rescue, and are changing people’s lives.

Firstly, drones can be used in agricultural areas. If the area of the farm is very large, farmers cannot take care of every part of it.

However, drones can fly over the farm and manage it. Thus, farmers could take care of the farm with smaller labor forces, so it is very beneficial for them. And, farmers can administrate their farms even when they are in a remote place.

Secondly, drones can be used to deliver things. A business that is now massively developing in the US is the ‘drone delivery service’.

Instead of cars, drones deliver goods to people. The sky doesn’t have traffic problems, so drones can deliver what you ordered faster than any other transportation, without accidents.

Thirdly, drones can be used in rescuing areas. As technology develops, the rate and type of accidents happening is increasing, as a subordinate effect. There are many kinds of accident that humans cannot go rescue people personally, because of the potential danger.

However, drones are machines, so they don’t get affected from these dangers. Even if drones still have problems like privacy invasion, drones will lead the world’s development in the future. They will make our lives more convenient, luxurious and safe.

Many years ago, people wouldn’t have imagined an unmanned machine delivering chicken to their house. This device is what we call ‘drone’. They are used in many areas; agricultural, delivery, rescue, and are changing people’s lives.

Firstly, drones can be used in agricultural areas. If the area of the farm is very large, farmers cannot take care of every part of it.

However, drones can fly over the farm and manage it. Thus, farmers could take care of the farm with smaller labor forces, so it is very beneficial for them. And, farmers can administrate their farms even when they are in a remote place.

Secondly, drones can be used to deliver things. A business that is now massively developing in the US is the ‘drone delivery service’.

Instead of cars, drones deliver goods to people. The sky doesn’t have traffic problems, so drones can deliver what you ordered faster than any other transportation, without accidents.

Thirdly, drones can be used in rescuing areas. As technology develops, the rate and type of accidents happening is increasing, as a subordinate effect. There are many kinds of accident that humans cannot go rescue people personally, because of the potential danger.

However, drones are machines, so they don’t get affected from these dangers. Even if drones still have problems like privacy invasion, drones will lead the world’s development in the future. They will make our lives more convenient, luxurious and safe.

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